Ashtanga Studio Berlin

School for Ashtanga Yoga since 2005 in Berlin.

We dedicate ourselves to the teaching of traditional Ashtanga Yoga. Our team is highly educated and we all teach with the same foundations and values. As all the teachers are trained by Andrea, the founder of Ashtanga Studio Berlin, we make sure that each of us follow the same teaching principels of the Ashtanga Yoga system. We work together as a team, so wich ever class you choose to come you will receive the same informations. We know each student personally and offer an individual assistance, no matter where you are standing with your Yogapractice in the moment.

Our teaching is focused on Mysore Style to encourage practitioners of all levels to improve their personal practice in a safe and loving surrounding. You will receive in each class individual help for your Yoga practice.

Everybody, despite of age and physical ability can learn Ashtanga Yoga. We offer guidance and support for each student to develop their own practice.

All levels of students are welcome, instructions can be given in english.

We are looking forward to support you in your personal Yoga journey.

Saturday Special

Next Yin Yoga on Saturday is October 20th, 5pm – 6.30pm.

Yin Yoga is a quiet practice which emphasizes on holding a long time in each pose while encouraging the entire body to relax. Open to all levels.

The Nancy Gilgoff  Workshop (October 6th & 7th 2018)

will not be held at the studio, it will be here:

Halle Tanzbühne Berlin, Eberswalder Str. 10, 10437 Berlin


uttana website


September 21st

The Basic Workshop with Andrea will give you the main components, that make the Ashtanga Yoga system so special. Any level of experience is welcome, total beginners are welcome.



October 2024

In the beautiul South of Crete we offer two retreats: Oct 12th – 19th & Oct 26th – Nov 2nd. In this magical place it is easy to retreat and concentrate fully on your Practice and recharge on all levels. see for more infos:



Nov 4th – Dec 1st

In November, Andrea will teach for one month in Rethymno(directly after the retreats in Triopetra), a pretty little town on the Northcoast of Crete. you can come any lenght of time. November is still summer in Crete….

Primary Series Count

Vinyasa Count “Primary Serie” with Andrea. This recording is intended to support your practice at home. It does not contain any instructions on how to perform the asanas, it only gives the rhythm. The participation is at your own risk. Enjoy.



Ashtanga Yoga is a challenging Yoga method. Hence, in order to establish a safe and solid Yoga practice, it is essential to practise a few times a week, starting with 2 to 3 times if you’re new to Yoga. Doing a little bit more often is better than one long…



Mysore: Mo-Fri: 7:00, 8:30 & 18:15

 Tue & Thu:  12:00

Sat: 10:00

Sun: 17:30

Led Class: Sun 10:00



New Moon:
Tuesday, September 3rd
Moonpractice 18:30

Full Moon:
Wednesday, September 18th
Moonpractice 18:30



Mysore classes reflect the essence of the Ashtanga Yoga practice. Each student is practicing in his/her own rhythm, listening to the sound of the breath. The attention is turned inward. In this way yoga becomes a meditation through movement.