The Fees

Costs for tuition

Monthly contribution with a contract (can be done in person in the studio):

Monthly Contribution (Abo)*:
Reduced Regular Support Rate
8 classes per month 80   95  110
Unlimited 110  130  150
Reduced: students, unemployed and everyone who needs a reduction.
Support: who can give a little more to support our work and studio. It´s a solidarity principle, you decide wich rate is appropriate for you.
* Abo: minimum participation of three months, after that the agreement can be canceled with one month notice. Discounts for our workshops and trainings in the Studio.

Tickets you can buy in our shop:

Drop In 25
Trial Lesson 18
Zoom Ticket 17
Beginners Month: (only bookable once / for beginners)
Learn Ashtanga Yoga / 1 month unlimited classes 100
For Guests:
Unlimited for one month 175
Cards: (valid for 6 months)
10 x Classes 190
5 x Classes 100
10 x Zoom Classes 150
Private lesson: (depends on the teacher and the time)  90 – 150

*Reductions: The reduced class cards can only be purchased in the studio.

(all costs are in € and  include 19 % VAT)